Understanding the Benefits of a Healthy Smile

Written By Mary Flanagan, DMD Pediatric Dentistry on January 17, 2024

a family together smilling

Helping your child maintain a healthy smile will set them up for great health habits and overall wellness in the future. You should help your child brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily, as well as schedule regular dental visits with your pediatric dentist. At Clark Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, our dentist Mary Flanagan specializes in kids dental care in Clark, NJ. Dr. Flanagan is a board-certified pediatric dentist who can help you and your child learn and practice healthy oral and dental habits to keep your smiles bright and white. 

Reduced Risk of Disease and Infection

Routine dental visits and daily oral and dental care will reduce your child’s risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. They will also be much less likely to develop a tooth infection. Even when your child still has their baby teeth, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene to instill good habits and keep the gums and supportive bones healthy.

Supports Proper Tooth Development

Your child’s teeth and gums are still developing. When you visit our pediatric dentist each year, you are ensuring that their teeth and gums develop properly. We will assess and track your child’s development from age one to 18 and make sure their smile stays bright and healthy.

Less Missed School

When your child has a healthy smile, they are much less likely to have to miss school for toothaches, dental cavities, and emergency dental visits. Dr. Flanagan and her team will catch early warning signs of oral and dental health issues so they can be treated quickly before they get bigger, more complex, and more expensive. 

Fewer Dental Visits and Procedures

Healthier teeth and gums also mean fewer dental visits and dental procedures. Most children don’t love going to the dentist, and if you can reduce your child’s time in our dental chair, they will be happier and healthier.

Make an Appointment at Our Pediatric Dental Office in Clark, NJ

If you can’t remember the last time your child went to the dentist, it’s time to make an appointment at our pediatric dental office in Clark, NJ. At Clark Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Dr. Flanagan and her team can provide routine dental exams and cleanings, preventive kids dental care, orthodontic services, and pediatric dental x-rays. Make an appointment today.

Posted In: Child Dental Care